Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Staying Positive

Last Friday, Nov. 2nd Nikki tested positive for ovulation. This was a special day for us because this was the day we met on 7 years ago. The first test she took at 4am was negative. Since this was the 15th day of her cycle (she typically ovulates on day 13 or day 15), she took another test @ 8am. This test was definitely positive.

The doctor's office didn't open till 8:45am, so Nikki left a message for when they opened. She called our donor, and told him to go ahead and come over to the house. The doctor's office called back and said Nikki's doctor was off that day, but her nurse practitioner could do the IUI. They instructed us to take the specimen to the lab at their office closest to our house. There the tech would "wash and clean" the specimen. Then we were to bring it to their other location where the nurse practitioner was seeing patients. It's about a 20 minute drive from our home to location #1. The specimen must get there within 30 minutes, and kept warm on the ride over. When the lab tech finished she said that it was a good sample, but it needed to have been kept warmer. I suppose since the temperature here has dropped, and it was cooler outside Friday, we should have considered that. She told us not to worry, there was enough live "swimmers" to "do the trick". The washed specimen must now be kept warm for the 15 minute drive to location #2. She said the best way to do that is to stick the skinny tube in one of our bras. Nikki said mine would probably be the warmest, so I stuck it in. We were standing in the hallway where another couple was going into the room we were standing in front of. I'm sure they were wondering why I was sticking this in my bra. Lol

We had to wait about 10 minutes after arriving at location #2. I kept the "little swimmers" close to my heart. Once in the room, we felt like we had quite an audience. Nikki's regular doctor did the previous IUI with just us in the room. I'm guessing since this nurse practitioner hadn't done many IUI's she brought in two nurses. I'm sure the fact that we weren't the traditional couple was also a contributing factor. It didn't bother us a bit tho. The more people we can be "real" around, and show that we are just a normal couple like everyone else, the better. Since most people around here may have a negative attitude about lesbians/gays because of their limited exposure.

The procedure went as planned. Nikki had to lay with her hips elevated for 30 minutes before leaving the office. She must also have a 7-day post-ovulation blood test. This will test if she truly ovulated 7 days previous. After leaving the doctor's office, we went home to wait. The earliest we could possibly get a positive pregnancy test is Tuesday, Nov. 13th. That is just next week! We are always on edge and full of anxiety after insemination. We allow ourselves to dream and imagine as if this time was "the time". We will deal with the disappointment when and if that time comes. For now, we are staying positive!


  1. My Bday is Sunday. I will pray you guys get good results on the 13th. I have a funny feeling it is going to happen .

  2. Thank you Lindsey...Happy Early Birthday! Nikki has had all the symptoms she's had the last two pregnancies. Both times she experienced symptoms as early as 3 days after insemination. Will update everyone as soon as we way or another. Fingers crossed!

  3. Not sure how I happened upon your blog... but I did... and I am glade I did! We too are on a journey for a rainbow baby. Love that you are writing about this "taboo" subject of trying to conceive and pregnancy loss... as well as your journey for a family.

    Praying you get a BFP and a sticky bean this cycle!

    1. Thank you so much Sarah. We are going in for 3rd IUI this week. Just waiting on positive ovulation test. We pray you have will have your rainbow baby soon. We enjoy knowing people are keeping up with our story. Glad you came across our blog and commented. Please feel free to share our blog with others.
